Stone and the Ravens (Guardian Stone Book 3) Read online
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In a matter of minutes, the communications node was confirmed. Nodes with a specific purpose held the same position on all of the maps viewed indicating that the utility of the individual maps would be a tool they could use and enhance. The mapping and identification continued for another 90 minutes when Hank called a break and they all exited rapport. By then, they had identified several more nodes including projection, and manipulation of objects while in projection mode. Ben Pine noted that this would be extremely valuable when training new T-Raptor teams and telepaths in general. Such mapping would enable them to construct special purpose teams with talents appropriate to a particular assignment. Ben went on to say, "Barana, what would it take to perform such a mapping of everyone on the Stations?"
Hank said, "Well that was unexpected. We will take a lunch break and you can let us know when you are ready. Thanks Barana, that was a highly productive session."
Ben Pine had a stunned expression and Sass looked more contemplative than he had for some time.
Gust looked puzzled and said, "Uncle Hank, what just happened? Why is everyone looking so shocked? What did I miss?
"Gust, Jane, Chris, Anya, on several occasions since we have been on board a breakthrough of some kind has occurred that was totally unanticipated and that amounts to a game changer. For example, Sam made a suggestion during our first Earth upgrade program that resulted in identification of 79,000 telepaths out of a population of 316,000,000 and up to that point we had been using methods that would have been fortunate to identify only 1% of that. It was a game changer. Now it looks like we may have an even more refined approach. Not only that, but it appears that we will also be able to identify special talents specifically. That lets us tailor the training regimen for those persons and where their special talents may be best utilized. The ramifications inherent in this latest discovery are why you are seeing such shocked expressions. Other examples include the discoveries by AI Briana of Station 14 and AI Larisa of Station 18 that allow super long range scans and speeds well in excess of 2,000,000xSL. That is a huge game changer because it aids quick response by the fleet. One final example was the discoveries made by Josh Adams when they first started exploring multispecies T-Raptor teams. The list goes on."
# Same day, one hour later #
Hank and Sam reacted simultaneously to Barana's comment with, "What? What children are you talking about?"
Hank finally composed himself and held Sam close. "You did not know either?"
"I suspected but have not checked. I have never heard of a pregnancy announced quite this way. Barana is sure enjoying the moment. Well for that matter, so am I."
"Well I am delighted."
"Barana, it is wonderful and in a way, I am happy that the news breaks in this group. What do you mean there is more?"
"Why would you think that?"
Hank replied, "I am almost afraid to ask, but is there more."
Sam noticed that the kids were suddenly very subdued and Jane was quietly in tears, so she went over to them to see if they were ok. "You four look like you have just seen a ghost, is something wrong."
Gust gulped and replied, "Yes, we think we are the cause of this non-coincidence."
"Yes, when our parents were on duty at Vast, we attended the party on Station 1 by projection on the evening of January 23 but we asked Barana if we could remain invisible. She agreed to that. I remember as the party went on that we were thinking that all of our heroes were gathered in this place and how cool would it be if you all had twins that were not so far removed from us in age. It was just wishful thinking but that on top of all we have heard today is more of a coincidence than we can support. Our suspicion is that we may be the cause. We do not know how but it is too much to ignore. One way to determine if that is so, is to look at the node maps created that day to see if an unusual node in our map was active around that time."
Hank had been listening and finally commented, "Wow! Now that you know about that node and its function you most certainly have to be very careful. I for one want to thank you this time but it may not always work that way, but I think you also appreciate that. This is the first time I have ever seen a real case of 'be careful what you wish for.'" Everyone else thanked the kids and reinforced the notion that great care would be important. Since the AI's were present they indicated that they would watchdog the use of that node to keep the kids out of unintended trouble. To this, the kids happily agreed. Hank asked Barana to alert the others affected as to what had happened and congratulate them on the upcoming event. He asked Barana to request that the "make a wish " node be kept secret for the time being as he did not want undue pressure brought to bear on the kids concerning use of the node. He also noted that the day had been a bit of an overload and that they were going to stop for the day but would continue the next day for a few hours. Hank and Sam then sent off congratulation messages to each couple affected.
# Later that evening #
Sam and Janey were having a little chat off to one side of the picnic following the work they had done. "Sam, that was an awesome experience. So many discoveries made in just a single day. In a way it is a bit scary. You and Hank have done so many things with a huge impact. How did you and Hank come to this? How did you meet? I hope that is not being too nosey but I really am amazed at what you have accomplished in such a short time."
Sam chuckled and said, "Believe it or not, it all started in second grade at St Francis Primary School in Billings, Montana. A bunch of kids were picking on me for something I had said when answering a teachers question and they were being pretty obnoxious about it. I do not even remember what the subject was. Hank happened by just as one of the kids pushed me. Hank intervened and grabbed hold of the kids wrist and said that was enough. He got right in this kids face and told him that if ever he touched me again he would go home with two black eyes and a bloody nose. That kid was a good deal bigger than Hank but he and his friends ran off without further comment or action. Hank helped me up and walked me to my bus. After that we were always together. We were really good friends. One time during a recess he said that when we grew up that he wanted to marry me and I said that would be nice. A month later school was out for summer break and at the end of summer my parents moved me to a new school at Yellowstone Academy and I did not see him again. I thought of him but could not remember his last name. I am fairly sure that we formed a bond back then but were too young to recognize what it was or what it meant."
"The effect of it was that I did not date and had no steady boy friends. I knew he was somewhere out there because occasionally we would have a weak mental link. Then one day about seven and a half years ago, I had gone to bed and I had what I thought at first must be a dream, but it was too real and too vivid to be a dream I was floating just above Hank and I knew who he was instantly. He was riding in a convoy on some sort of patrol. I could see through the rocks and trees ahead and realized that he was riding into an ambush so I shouted for him to stop, that he was riding into an ambush and he did. He stopped but it was too late to stop the two vehicles in front of him. They continued into the ambush zone and the hostiles opened fire. Hank took charge of the men outside the ambush zone and positioned them for best effect. I told him the location of the trail into the zone that the ambushers had used and he positioned covering fire for the trail. Meanwhile a voice was guiding me and I later found out that it was Barana. Hank then determined that he was going to the rescue of the men trapped in the ambush zone. Barana told me that I was to be his spotter. He and his driver entered the zone. His driver was driving like a madman and Hank was firing a huge rifle and anything he shot at, he hit. So I started telling him where the worrisome weapons were and he systemically took them out. Once I told him to hit the brakes because a grenade had been fired at a point he was about to pass. As it did I told him to accelerate. He rescued all the men that were trapped in the ambush zone. I did not realize until later that my brother had been in command of the ambushed unit and that Hank had saved him as well. My brother was on active duty, so I did not have an opportunity to bring up the subject. He clearly did not want to talk about the incident anyway."
"The firefight went on for some time and his accuracy of fire and that of his men was having a demoralizing effect on the ambushers and Barana told me as much. After the fifth run, I suggested to Hank that he tell the hostiles to surrender. He shot a few more and then the white flag came out and they all surrendered. I suggested that he tell no one of my role in the incident because his superiors would think he was loony. He agreed. I also remember saying to him, 'Remember me, we are soul mates' and made sure he had a good image of me. About a month later the newspapers reported the incident and Hanks role in it. That confirmed what I had experienced was not a dream. From time to time I would get a mental message from Barana saying something like, 'be patient', or 'not much longer' and I was never quite sure whether I was hearing a real voice or my imagination was having a field day."
"It was still frustrating that I would still get these little mental images from time to time but no contact. I had a feeling that at some point we would be together but nothing concrete. One day last year, I had the day off and was at my father's home in Billings, Montana and the doorbell rang. As I was going to the door, a voice said to me, 'you are going to like this' so I paused, looked around, and then thought I must be imagining things. As I opened the door there was Hank in person and his mind was like a starburst. He was all there and clear as a bell. He was clearly as surprised as I was and said to me, 'You're real'. All I could think to say was, 'You bet and it's about time.' I was not about to loose him again so I gave him one huge smooch. Then he asked me
to marry him before we had even closed the door. The reaction of my father and mother was priceless. I admit to having some fun with it. My father was already accepting the notion that he had a spinster daughter on his hands. Barana later apologized to me because she had been blocking a great deal of his telepathic talents. Barana had been preparing him for recruitment since he was a young man and had to be sure that the talent developed at a rate that allowed appropriate development of the tools he would later need to exercise his talent to best effect. We were married the same day."
"A lot of people were surprised at the speed of our wedding but that is because they do not understand the relationship between telepathic soul-mates. The minds of telepathic soul-mates have already synchronized, so there really no need for all of the compatibility issues that arise in more normal relationships where time and testing is necessary. The minds of the affected pair have already resolved all those issues. We had no need for further exploration because all of that had already been resolved."